Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sandy...The Chair Formerly Known as Sandra Dee

Say hello to Sandy. 
...The Chair Formerly Known as Sandra Dee. 

When I found her she was pretty rejected and hopeless. In fact, I'm pretty sure I heard the soundtrack from the movie Grease playing in the background - "...My heart's not the first heart broken...My eyes, not the first to cry..." -You get the point. Can you believe someone put this pretty little chair out to the curb for the trash?!?! Me neither. 

When I saw her it was love at first sight. Nice curves, pretty details, AND the upholstery was already removed from the seat! What more could a girl ask for? OF Course I slammed on the brakes, opened the trunk, and snatched her up!

Sandy is in pretty good shape...considering she was on the curb. But right now she's looking more like Rizzo --a little rough around the edges-- rather than the sweet Sandra Dee. With a little sprucing up she's gonna be awesome. Here's my inspiration.

First some sanding, cleaning, and primer.

I decided to paint her this gorgeous shade of muted pink called Rosewood. I'm sorta bummed because I love this color but it was discontinued and they only had one can left. ...Sniff sniff. Oh well, this beauty is well deserving of the last can.

So she got sprayed, and glazed to bring out her pretty details. And then finally a coat of finishing wax. I took a step back to admire my beauty... Only to realize that what should look pretty and pink, looked more like dingy and dirty. Sorta like Rizzo smashed Sandy's face in the dirt. Epic. Ugly. Pink. Disaster. I'll spare you the picure. Really, It's that bad...

Oh well, can't win them all I guess. So I stuck her in the corner of the basement hoping that some sort of inspiration would strike and I would know what to do next. I was out one day shopping with a girlfriend and I saw this awesome trendy fabric. The gray Damask pattern caught my eye and I immediately thought of that chair.

I rushed home, brought the chair upstairs and held the fabric up to it, hoping the beautiful gray pattern would make the dirty pink chair color less hideous. Wrong! Chair-2, Me-0. Clearly the chair won this battle. Onto plan B: Repaint the chair.

Who doesn't love yellow and gray together?? I chose this awesome custom mixed yellow chalk paint, some dark glaze to bring out the details, and paste wax to finish everything off. Much better! In the end I won this battle with the chair. She's gorgeous! I'm keeping her original name "Sandy" because this full of personality chair obviously has a story to tell about how she came to be. ...And everyone loves a juicy story, right?

This gal needs a home. Visit my Etsy store at and make her yours!

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