Sunday, February 24, 2013

Somebody Else's Junk...

Junk! I LOVE junk. There - it's out in the open. It's only been 8 months since we moved to Pittsburgh, and I already know the location of almost all the thrift stores in a 20 mile radius. ...And I have been known to  frequently ...uh...occasionally dumpster dive. Don't judge. People throw away some good stuff - especially around here! So yes, I know the local trash schedule and I "shop" the neighborhood. Say what you will - But everything deserves a second chance, right? I'm not a hoarder - Honestly. Your aren't going to see me on TLC.

This little junk problem is deep rooted. It's in my blood. My grandpa on my mom's side would collect all kinds of things "cause you never know when you might need them". When his little single car garage "over-flowethed" with junk he did what any collector would do - he built a pole building out back to house everything. Shortly before he died at 94 he was still tooling around in his garage fixing this or that, and making different contraptions from pieces and parts. Now my grandma on my dad's side - well she was cheap "thrifty". She liked a good bargain, and when she found one - well she would buy 10 of whatever it was cause it was such a great deal! I loved that about her. If she were around today, I know I would be making her proud! And I am proud to be like her!

So throughout my life I've always had some sort of artistic outlet, mostly musical. I grew up playing the cello, singing in the choir, and doing lots and lots of theater. But after college all that ended. I went to work in insurance...BORING. When I moved on from that, I went to nursing school and became an RN. I quickly realized that that was Just. NOT. For. Me! I needed some sort of way to express my creativity - And for me, that means collecting somebody else's discarded junk, and re-purposing it into something beautiful for other people to enjoy.

So yes - I will be thrifting, collecting, and dumpster diving my way into this new chapter of my life. ...And I will call myself the "Remade Renegade". Stay tuned for "fabulousness" in the way of re-purposed and up-cycled furniture and cool vintage stuff. I can't wait to share this part of my life with all of you!

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